We welcome your interest in using our space for your event. As a Christian church we strive to provide a safe space where all are welcomed. It is within the principles and objectives of New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church to provide the opportunity for community organizations and individuals with compatible objectives to use space at the church and adjacent buildings. It is also the policy of New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church to permit usage to Members of the Church for special events such as weddings, memorials, special events, and other approved activities.
To ensure that you receive a timely response to your request, we ask that you complete the NSMBC Event Application.
Once your application has been processed, you will be notified whether your request has been approved. If approved, you will also receive a point of contact for the church to facilitate your use of the space.
Please feel free to contact us via email at this link church office for our current fee schedule or call 251-478-6792.